Imagine if you never had the chance to go to high school?
This is the reality for most Kenyan students born into low income families.
Many Kenyan parents work hard to earn $2-$3 a day.
This might provide food and shelter for their children but often leaves nothing for education. As a result 43% of Kenyan youth never finish high school.
Promising Students
Each year we identify the most promising students
from our communities' lowest income families, children with the greatest potential to lift themselves out of poverty- if just given the chance.
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Benefits of educating a student:

• Empower a young person to realize their dreams

• Break the cycle of generational poverty

• Know your student personally through letters

• Follow their journey as they grow

For Success
When you educate a student, you give them the opportunity to go to high school and university, so that instead of dropping out of school after 8th grade, they gain the skills, credentials and networks they need to launch professional careers and pursue their dreams.
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You've decided to educate a student, what's next?
1. Upon sign up, we’ll pair you with a promising student from one of our communities’ lowest-income families.
2. You will receive a welcome pack with information about your student, a photo, and a letter.
3. Your donation will provide for your student’s education.
4. Your student will share updates about their progress in letters to you. You are welcome to write back.
5. If you visit Mombasa, you can meet your student and their family.
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